5 Foods That Improve Life Expectancy

Life expectancy is a statistical measure of how long a person or organism may live, based on the year of their birth, their current age and other demographic factors including gender [Wikipedia].

Basically, life expectancy is the average period that a person may expect to live. It varies over the path of an individual’s life because as they remain alive the time of birth, childhood, adolescence and also their chance of attaining older age rises.

In the U.S., women live longer – 81 years on average, 76 for men. Although men’s life spans have increased by 4.6 years since 1988, women have equally gained only 2.7 years.

This reason of this could be connected to a lack of adequate treatment for high blood pressure and cholesterol. As a result, most people tend to as one question, “is there anything as longevity Nutrition/ diet?”

Research has shown that the answer is a yes and there is a lot food that really helps life expectancy. Life Expectancy Foods 1. Fruits and Vegetables

They are comparatively low in calories and are also loaded with fiber and nutrients. Studies regularly indicate that diets with plenty of fruits and vegetables help people maintain a healthy weight and protect against cardiovascular disease. 2. Low-salt Nutrition

Researchers have recognized for years that less salt in the diet means lower blood pressure. Now, new evidence suggests that keeping blood pressure down may also protect brain cells and decrease the risk of age-related memory loss and even dementia. 3. Blueberries

Blueberries are stuffed with antioxidants that may keep us healthy. Researchers at the Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University in Boston, has found out that blueberries top the list in terms of their antioxidant activity when compared to 40 other fresh fruit and vegetables. 4. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are low in fat, high in fiber and a low-calorie source of many vitamins and they’re packed with lycopene, an antioxidant that gives them their red color and may also have a role to play in lowering the risk of cancer. 5. Calcium Rich Foods

Bone loss and osteoporosis are among the leading reasons for disability in later life. Once a person becomes disabled, their health often reduces in many other ways. Although some bone loss with age is certain to happen, the process can be slowed down by eating foods high in calcium and vitamin D which can also prevent disabling fractures. 6. Coffee

A growing number of studies recommend that coffee has many unexpected health benefits. In addition to potentially lowering the risk of type 2 diabetes, drinking coffee may reduce the risk of age-related mental reduction. According to the latest evidence that comes from a Finish study of 1,409 volunteers published in the Journal of Alzheimers Disease in 2009, it found that people who drank coffee consistently during their middle-aged years had improved life expectancy ratio over time. 7. Soya

Soya is stuffed with quality protein and it is the only plant food that contains all the essential amino acids (protein building blocks) needed for good health, making it similar to meat, fish, eggs and dairy products. This also makes it a particularly important food for vegetarians and vegans. 8 Grain

Whole grain includes foods such as grain cereals, wholemeal bread, brown rice and wholewheat pasta. As the name suggests, whole grains contain the ‘whole’ grain, including the nutrient-rich germ, the energy-providing endosperm and the fibre-rich bran layer.


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