The Best Foods for Your Heart

1. Asparagus
The super food contains vitamin K, which can help with blood clotting, and potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure. It also boasts two nutrients that help lower blood cholesterol.

2. Avocado
As if you needed another reason to love avocados, the creamy green superfood is also good for the heart. They’re jam-packed with monounsaturated fatty acids, which help lower cholesterol levels and may help prevent blood clotting. They also contain potassium, which may help control blood pressure, and magnesium, which has been associated with a lower risk of heart disease in men.

3. Dark Chocolate
Chocoholics, rejoice! Because of the flavanoids—antioxidants that can help suppress LDL, or “bad” cholesterol—present in chocolate, indulging in a square or two may decrease your risk of stroke

4. Fatty Fish
the polyunsaturated fatty acids found in fatty fish lower blood pressure and resting heart rate, and may also improve vascular function and lower inflammation.

5. Garlic
It’s totally worth the vampire-repelling breath! Not only does garlic add a kick of flavor to any dish, but it also reduces cholesterol and blood pressure and improves blood flow. You might want to stick to fresh garlic to reap the most benefits, though.
6. Kale
It’s a mean, green, heart-disease-fighting machine! Among its other health benefits, kale (one of our favorite superfoods) is especially good for heart health. The leafy green is a great source of a specific kind of fat (yes, fat!) called alpha-linolenic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid that’s known to improve heart health.

7. Lentils
Thanks to their high fiber, folate, and magnesium content, superfood lentils may boost heart health and reduce the risk of heart disease. It’s because of these nutrients that legumes like these little guys have been shown to reduce inflammation and decrease the risk of death by heart disease by as much as a whopping 82 percent.

8. Nuts
Go ahead and get a little nutty. Eating nuts every day decreases the risk of dying from heart disease by 29 percent.They contain unsaturated fats, which improve cholesterol by lowering “bad” cholesterol and raising the good kind.

9. Olive Oil
Olive oil, a staple in Mediterranean cuisine (which has been linked to a lower risk of heart disease on more than one occasion), also contains monounsaturated fatty acids.

10. Oranges
Orange you glad this citrusy fruit is so good for you? Though we typically turn to oranges for cold prevention, this fruit is also a great food for your heart, thanks to two different nutrients: pectin and potassium.

11. Red Wine
The perfect excuse to pour it up, pour it up (in moderation, of course): Wine is good for your ticker. While alcohol in general has been shown to increase “good” HDL cholesterol, red wine in particular—due to its polyphenol content—is a heart-healthy superdrink that may help prevent cardiovascular disease . If vino’s not your thing, sip on a dark beer like Guiness stout—it contains many of the same good-for-you polyphenols.

12. Whole Grains
Pass the (whole grain) bread, please.
The American Heart Association recommends including whole grains, such as whole-grain bread, popcorn, and brown rice, in your diet. These good-for-you grains contain fiber, which has been associated with a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease.


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