Agri Local

Farmer’s day should be organized by NFFAWAG-chairman

The 2009 National Best Farmer and the Chairman for the National Farmers and Fishermen Award Winners Association of Ghana (NFFAWAG), Mr. Davis Narh Korboe has stated that, the national farmers day should be organized by NFFAWAG not Ministry of food and agriculture.

According to him, agriculture in Ghana is a private let which is being facilitated by the government so, they (NFFAWAG) suggest that, if agriculture is a private let, then most of the progrmmes should be done by them with government as just a facilitator. He said this on “Akuafo Si Sen” a segment on Rite FM’s morning ride

He stated that, even though the farmers day has been successful all this while by the help of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MOFA) their visit to countries like America, Argentina and Columbia, where famers organize their own famers day programme has enlightened them that Ghanaian famers can also successfully organized their own famers day programme with a support from government.

Farmer Davis emphasized that, institutions which sponsor farmers are still there to help stimulate the event and also there are private sectors which are business oriented under NFFAWAG who can come on board to render their support. He stressed that district level farmer’s day should be decentralize apart from the national farmer’s day


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